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Showing posts from July, 2020

5G and Massive MIMO Communication and Beyond

Mobile and wireless communication networks have become a significantly important part of our life, especially in the last ten years. The major share of the data usage of all internet is caused by mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This has resulted in that the communication sector became one of the most strategical parts of the world economy. For instance, Europe, China and US are in a huge competition to take the biggest shares of this indispensable sector. The fifth-generation (5G) communication technology has already been deployed in some major cities in the world to provide better service quality and much higher data speeds. Provide such significant improvements in the service quality requires the implementation of cutting-edge electronic components, algorithms, antennas and software methods. Employing a large number of antennas at the base-stations is one of the solutions that can substantially contribute to the network performance and provide ten times more data-rate

Machine Learning Methods: Supervised Learning

In this article, we are going to review the most common and valuable machine learning algorithms which are frequently applied in the industry, academy and research. Note that some algorithms may have many subcategories or derivations since machine learning and artificial intelligence have been actively and extensively studied and utilised nowadays. This article will present a categorical overview of these fundamental algorithms and briefly explain each of them. In the succeeding articles, each algorithm will be deeply explained and their implementations will be exhibited.  Machine learning (ML) algorithms are generally considered in two main categories as follows; Supervised Learning Methods Unsupervised  Learning Methods Supervised Learning Methods  Supervised learning techniques create logical connections or maps between input and output data. Therefore, these types of methods usually require a significant amount of labelled data for training. After that, these logical co